Σάββατο, 20 Απριλίου, 2024
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Seamore, Holland: seaweed based food products

ΑρχικήFuture Food TodaySeamore, Holland: seaweed based food products

You just found the tastiest way to save the planet.

Seamore’s founder discovered a seaweed that looks like pasta. Inspired, he started on a mission to upgrade our favorite foods with tasty, healthy and sustainable sea veggies. Ever since we have been diving for the best seaweed products.

Seaweed Chips

Seamore Seaweed Chips are a delicious and environmentally friendly snack. Made using sustainably harvested seaweed straight from the Atlantic Ocean. Their crispy texture, healthy composition, and “eat-the-whole-bag” flavour will make you regret not trying them sooner!

  • World’s 1st seaweed tortilla chips
  • Rich in Iodine
  • High in Fibre
  • Source of Magnesium and Iron
  • Available in 3 delicious flavours

Seaweed Wraps

Now it’s time to upgrade another favorite food with seaweed: I sea wraps!  2 types of seaweed are used in I sea wraps to get the ultimate mix of seaweed goodness: wakame and himanthalia. Made with 35% of glorious sea veggies, this fresh tortilla is packed with goodness. 

  • 100% organic seaweed that contains unique slow carbs
  • 25% more fiber than in a normal wrap, it is a source of protein (19% more than a normal wrap)
  • low in saturated fat, 
  • a source of magnesium and manganese
  • an easy way to eat healthier and more sustainable

Seaweed Pasta

It looks like tagliatelle but is 100% wild, handpicked seaweed from Connemara, Ireland. Our crowd-harvested I sea pasta is the equivalent of 500 grams fresh sea vegetables ready to be used as pasta, veggies or anything in between.

  • It is low in carbs, 
  • full of iodine, iron and Omega3, 
  • can be 50% of your daily vegetables with 80% fewer calories,
  • high fiber 
  • glutenfree
  • Organic and sustainable

Seaweed Bacon

I sea bacon is a 100% wild, organic seaweed that turns into (green) bacon when you fry it.

  • with no saturated fats
  • very little calories
  • calcium, potassium & iodine

Is really good for your vision and gut health. Besides, it helps the immune system. So put it on anything that deserves a crunchy, salty, smoky kick or use the soft leaves as a flavor boost in salads, pastas or anything else.

Seaweed bread

In the summer of 2018, Seamore launched the world’s first seaweed bread in a chain of bread stores in Amsterdam. More than 10.000 breads were sold over the course of a few months. The bread is made using a unique process that integrates 35% seaweed into the dough, creating a delicious, healthy and sustainable daily bread. Our bread won the 2018 international Sigep award. 


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Must read

ΕΕ: Νέος κανονισμός για τις ειδικές απαιτήσεις υγιεινής για ορισμένα κρέατα, ψάρια, γαλακτοκομικά και αυγά

Ο νέος Καν. (ΕΕ) 2024/1141 που τροποποιεί τα παραρτήματα II και III του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 853/2004.

ΕΕ: Μελέτη για το παρόν και το μέλλον των εναλλακτικών πρωτεϊνών στην Ευρώπη

Οι αυξημένες ανάγκες επισιτισμού στο μέλλον μπορεί να φέρουν νέα προϊόντα από φύκια, έντομα και κρέας εργαστηρίου στη διατροφή μας.

Ασφαλή από παθογόνα τα ψάρια υδατοκαλλιέργειας σύμφωνα με την EFSA

Η Ελλάδα στην πρώτη πεντάδα των χωρών που κοινοποίησαν στο RASFF μολυσμένα εισαγόμενα ψάρια.

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